Bill of Sale Nicholas Jasper to John Foster 1795

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    Jasper to Foster at Grindal Shoals

    This is the transaction recorded in the Union County SC book of deeds in 1805 of the November 12, 1795 deal between John Foster and Nicholas Jasper. 

    It is estimated to be 293 acres and is a highly irregular shape by today’s standards.  Because the survey points are pine knots, stands of poplar and oak trees, it will not likely be possible to know where the exact boundries are. 

    We can see however that it was bordered by these neighbors which may be a good hint should further info become available on their locations:  John Jasper sr., Charles Hames sr.,Nicholas Jasper.

    James Moseley was known to have been buried with Jaspers, probably on John Jasper sr. land.  And we know that John Foster referenced the big road running through the parcel of land he left to his son Thomas (along the lines of present Bobby Fawcette road) and that it contained “My old house” which might suggest it being his first land in the region. 

    So for now at least, I take this to mean the Foster land I have visited and photographed along the intersection of Bobby Fawcette road and Tump Smith road.

    If you have Google Earth, click this file, it  should show you the lay of the land:

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