My Line of Fosters

The history contained here is not about the most prominent or prolific branch of the tangled forest which is the Foster family. However these are my Fosters and from the beginning of my search I have been intrigued how this family found its way across a wide continent of possibilities, always it seems, seeking a new beginning.

From the (so far) first appearance of our (so far) earliest known ancestor, John Foster in 1777 in a company organized in Washington county Marlyand to fight the British, through War of 1812, Seminole War, Civil War,Oregon Trail and mining in the Pacific North West and finally to the Dominion Land Act in Canada, the Great Depression, and finally to the first generation to live in the same vicinity as the generation before it near Edmonton, Canada.  These are My Fosters.

Always westward, until there was no more west… then North!